Tuesday, 28 March 2017

SAP S/4HANA FINANCE New Transaction Codes

Below you can find an overview about replaced, changed and new transactions in SAP S/4HANA FINANCE.

Please note: all other transactions didn’t change, e.g. FBL1N, FBL5N, AS01, AS02 etc. Here just the changes are mentioned (replacements or new transactions that are available with new GL or sFIN).

Replaced transactions in GL/ AP/ AR
Description OLD NEW Comment

Balance Carry Forward F.16 FAGLGVTR

Foreign Currency valuation F04N/ F.05 FAGL_FCV

Regrouping F101 FAGLF101

Comparison: Documents/ transaction figues

F.01 FAGLF03

G/L account balances display FS10N FAGLB03

Line item display G/L FBL3N


Note: classic FBL3N can still be used under new GL and sFIN but just for entry view not for GL view!

New transactions in GL/ AP/ AR

Description OLD NEW Comment

Vendor line items FBL!N


Note: classic FBL1N can still be used under new GL and sFIN. FBL1H is optional.

Customer line items FBL5N


Note: classic FBL5N can still be used under new GL and sFIN. FBL5H is optional.

Transfer CO documents from worklist to FI (Realtime – integration) N/A FAGLCOFIFLUP

Financial Statement N/A


Note: classic RFBILA00 can still be used under newGL and sFIN. FGI3 is optional, several reports are available with this transaction.

Line item display GL – HANA optimized N/A FAGLL03H Note: optional

Changed transactions in CO

Description OLD NEW Comment

Add Base Planning Object KKE1 CKUC used only as embedded Function in Product cost for Sales order

Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est KKEC CKUC used only as embedded Function in Product cost for Sales order

PCA Line Item Browser KE5Z KE5ZH Wave 0 use KE5Z; further investigation in next waves

Cost Centers: Actual Line Items KSB1 KSB1N Wave 0 use KSB1; further investigation in next waves

Orders: Actual Line Items KOB1 KOB1N Wave 0 use KOB1; further investigation in next waves

Controlling Documents: Actual KSB5 KSB5N Wave 0 use KSB5; further investigation in next waves

Project Selection for CJ8GH CJ8V CJ8VH

Generate Settmt Rule: Coll.Proc. CJB1 CJB1H

Actual Settlement: Projects/Networks CJ8G CJ8GH CJ8GH recommended to use in Wave 0

Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders KO8G KO8GH Ko8GH recommended to use in Wave 0

Actual Settlement: Sales Orders VA88 VA88H VA88H recommended to use in Wave 0

AC: Accrual Posting ZC_VA88 ZC_VA88H ZC_VA88H recommended to use in Wave 0

Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs KKAK KKAKH use transaction KKAK; KKAKH do not cover the whole functionality

Replaced transactions in Asset Accounting

Description OLD NEW

Asset reconciliation ABST ABSTL

Create asset transaction AB01 AB01L

Unplanned depreciation ABAA ABAAL

Last Retirement on Group Asset ABAKN ABAKNL

Asset Sale Without Customer ABAO ABAOL

Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABAV ABAVL

Balance sheet revaluation ABAW ABAWL

Adjustment Posting to Areas ABCO ABCOL

Credit Memo in Year after Invoice ABGF ABGFL

Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice ABGL ABGLL

Investment support ABIF ABIFL

Manual depreciation ABMA ABMAL

Manual transfer of reserves ABMR ABMRL

Post-capitalization ABNA ABNAL

Subsequent Revenue ABNE ABNEL

Subsequent Costs ABNK ABNKL

Miscellaneous Transactions ABSO ABSOL

Transfer From ABUM ABUML

Acquisition from in-house production ABZE ABZEL

Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting ABZO ABZOL

Acquistion from affiliated company ABZP ABZPL


Replaced reports in Asset Accounting

Description OLD NEW

Asset History Sheet Program RAGITT01 Program RAGITT_ALV01

Asset Transactions Program RABEWG01 Program RABEWG_ALV01

Asset Acquisitions Program RAZUGA01 Program RAZUGA_ALV01

Asset Retirements Program RAABGA01 Program RAABGA_ALV01

Intercompany Asset Transfers Program RAUMBU01 Program RAUMBU_ALV01

Directory of Unposted Assets Program RAANLA01 Program RAANLA_ALV01

Net Worth Valuation Program RAVERM01 Program RAVERM_ALV01

Insurance Values Program RAVERS01 Program RAVERS_ALV01

Depreciation Current Year Program RAHAFA01 Program RAHAFA_ALV01

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Calculation View


Calculation View are the composite view and can consume other view like Attribute view, Analytic View, Calculation view as well as table which is not possible in other views.
It can perform complex calculation which is not possible with the others views.

Type of Calculation view

1- Graphical Calculation View
2- Scripted Calculation View 

Creating Calculation View in SAP HANA

  1. Click on your Package --> New--> Calculation view
  2. Give the name of calculation view and other important details and click on next and finish
  3. After this next screen will look like this
  4. Now add 2 projection and add table into those projection and choose feilds which you want into those projection
  5. Now join both projection with the union
  6. Now last step is join union with the upper projection
  7. Now view the data for output

    For more information please drop me mail: sandeepcg1989@gmail.com

Monday, 6 February 2017

Sequence in SAP HANA

Sequence Introduction

A sequence is a database object that generates an automatically incremented list of numeric values according to the rules defined in the sequence specification. The sequence of numeric values is generated in an ascending or descending order at a defined increment interval, and the numbers generated by a sequence can be used by applications, for example, to identify the rows and columns of a table

Sequences are not associated with tables; they are used by applications, which can use CURRVAL in a SQL statement to get the current value generated by a sequence and
NEXTVAL to generate the next value in the defined sequence.

EX- suppose we want to change Row based table into column based table with a primary key as a sequence but in row based table there is no primary key.

Creating Sequence
  1. Import the table into Hana system go to File-->Import
  2. Fill all the details which is required
  3. Now on next screen put which type of table you want to create Row Based or Column Based
  4. Now it will show the output of table and click on Finish it will create Row based table into your schema Table folder
  5. Now we will create a sequence which will convert row based table into column based with a primary key
    below code will create one sequence which will increment

  6. Now create a column based table so we can convert out Row based Table to Column Based Table using Sequence
    Right click on your schema-->New Table create table with 2 column SPID & SP_NAME

  7. Run the below code so it can generate one column as a primary key and always incremented by 1
  8. Run the below code and see the output

    For more information and tutorials mail me 

Sunday, 15 January 2017

HANA Analytic View

Analytic View Introduction

Analytic View is in the form of Star schema, wherein we join one Fact table to multiple Dimension tables. Analytic views use real power of SAP HANA to perform complex calculations and aggregate functions by joining tables in form of star schema and by executing Star schema queries.

Characteristics of Analytic View

Analytic Views are used to perform complex calculations and Aggregate functions like Sum, Count, Min, Max, Etc.
Analytic Views are designed to run Start schema queries.
Each Analytic View has one Fact table surrounded by multiple dimension tables. Fact table contains primary key for each Dim table and measures.
Analytic Views are similar to Info Objects and Info sets of SAP BW.

Creating Analytic View
  1. Go to your Package Right click--> New--> Analytic View
  2. Give the Name and Description of Analytic View
  3. Next screen will show Data foundation and star join. In data foundation you will give the Fact table and in star join you will put dimension means Attribute view
  4. Now in data foundation add the fact table and select the column which is required. after selection the fields you can see them in right side column folder
  5. Now add attribute view in Star join field like for the below case we are adding 3 attribute view AT_CUSTOMER, AT_PRODUCTS, AT_TIME
  6.  Now make the join between fact table and Attribute view
  7.  Now run the view and check the output

    For more information please mail me at Sandeepcg1989@gmail.com

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Trigger in SAP HANA


Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired when some events occur. Triggers are, in fact, written to be executed in response to any of the following events −
1- A database manipulation (DML) statement (DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE).2- A database definition (DDL) statement (CREATE, ALTER, or DROP).3- A database operation (SERVERERROR, LOGON, LOGOFF, STARTUP, or SHUTDOWN).

Triggers could be defined on the table, view, schema, or database with which the event is associated.

Creating Trigger-

Before creating Trigger i am taking one example suppose we have one table "DIMCUSTOMER" and we want that when anyone is inserting any value into this table at that time user name date and system date is stored means who have inserted and when.

Create a table which will store the user name and time who have inserted data in "DIMCUSTOMER" table.
Right click-->New Tabletable name "STSAUDIT" with 2 fields

Now open sql Editor and paste the below code

Code Explanation
create trigger STS.STSTRIGGER --> will create a trigger
after insert on "STS".DIMCUSTOMER" for each row --> means each insert of row in the table "STS".DIMCUSTOMER"

begin --> start of trigger
) ;above line means insert current time and user name into the table "STS"."STSAUDIT"

end --> end of trigger
After executing above code you can see one Trigger is created into trigger folder

Now open the table "STS"."STSAUDIT" and check timestamp and user name is inserted or not

Friday, 13 January 2017

HANA Procedure :SAP HANA Procedure in 10 minutes


Suppose we have a table with 5 column and we want to change NETWR (Net Sales) from Dollar to Euro For this scenario we will write procedure.

Creating Procedure in SAP HANA

  1. Click on your Package Right Click--> New-->Procedure
  2. Give the name of Procedure and Description of Procedure
  3. After this one more folder Procedure will create inside your package and a sample BEGIN and END code will be Generated. You have to write your Logic here.
  4. Write the code in between BEGIN and END and in the select statement
    VBELN – Column name
    ERDAT  - Column name
    KUNNAR- column name
    NETWR- column name(Net revenue)
    round(NETWR/1.240) as Euro – round value of column NETWR and column will show as Euro
  5. Check and Activate after that one procedure will be created in your package
  6. After Activation one procedure will be created inside SYS_BIC Schema.
  7. For calling the schema write SCHEMA schema Name
  8. last Step is Run and check the output.

    For more information send me mail on sandeepcts1989@gmail.com

Thursday, 12 January 2017

HANA Attribute View


Attribute Views are typically created for maintaining Master Data (Data which is not changing frequently Ex- employee Address or employee phone number etc ) in HANA system or we can also call it as a dimension in star schema modelling. It doesn’t store the data physically, however fetches the data from source in runtime whenever we execute this object in our system.

Creating Attribute View